URS 900 EP 2 เครื่องรีไซเคิลทินเนอร์ ขนาด 25 ลิตร
Solvent Recyclers for the Automotive Industry
URS900 with Auto Transfer
- Tank Capacity: 5 US Gal (20 litres)
- Speed: 5 US Gal in about 4-6 hours
- Solvent Transfer: Auto-transfer, in and out
- Air Pressure: Min 85 PSI, unit complete with pressure
regulator and filter - Power Supply: 220/240V, 2200W, 9.3A
- Heater: 2100W
- Enhanced Control Features and Digital Display: Easy settings for:
• dryer waste residue
• automatic or timed heater shut-off
• maximum temperature set points in °F or °C
• regulatation of the rate of recycling using heating power percentage